Apr 20th, 2021

 We have started development in a Rom Hack of Pokemon Fire Red which will be a port of the Five Nights at Freddy's minigames over to the Game Boy Advance system.

Note: we are not going to use Fire Red anymore. Check version 0.03 Alpha update to see why.

We've had this idea for about a year but we never got around to do it. Now that Corona has put us all in our homes, we can work on the development of this Rom Hack more freely.

Today will be spent on planning how to go about base mechanics which include:

  1. Character Selection (change the player's appearence on the fly/upon entering a room)
  2. Minigame Base (selecting the minigame that will be played; exiting minigame)
  3. Others

We do not know which minigames we will be porting over. However, we expect to port:

  • Foxy Go! Go! Go! (FNaF 2)
  • Give Gifts, Give Life (FNaF 2)
  • Take Cake to the Children (FNaF 2)
  • SAVE THEM (FNaF 2)
  • The Happiest Day (FNaF 3)

Other minigames might be worked on in the future but these have priority, being the oldest ones and more easily portable than, for example, the other FNaF 3 Good Ending minigames.

 If you want to contact us, please comment below your doubts or concerns. If you wish to do so privately, send a Direct Message to JK on Twitter by clicking here! 


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