End of week 1 - Patch v0.01 Alpha

Hey! Welcome to the first release of anything related to this project! It's the end of the first week of work (even if we only worked for 4 days) and here are the recent changes we've been doing!

We are happy to announce that the first patch is done! For now it is only a cosmetic patch but we still have much to come! You can download the patch .ups here!

Editor's note:  The update didn't work on the day of release. As of 26th April, 2021 update 0.01 Alpha is fully functional.

 Update includes:

  • A ghost Overworld sprite for the male protagonist*
  • A Puple Man's Car Overworld sprite of the male protagonist, when using the bike*
  • The Crush Girl trainer class has Freddy  Overworld sprite*
  • The female protagonist's sprite has been changed to Purple Man*
  • "© Elite Games 2021" in the title screen
  • The Copyright screen now reads "Using the engine of Pokemon" and "Lore and characters by Scott Games"
  • The Game Freak stars scene was edited in order to read "Elite Games"
  • Introductory screen explains the current state of the creation process
  • Pikachu in the Introductory screen has been replaced with Helpy
  • Colour Palettes are now dynamic (helps prevent glitches with NPCs)

*Note: Overworld sprites are not seen in battle.

If you think you can do better assets, please contact JK on Twitter to submit them! You can find JK's Twitter page here.

Note that the running shoes will show a bugged version of the protagonist flashing on the screen when using the female protagonist's sprite. This is for limitations of the game itself, since the William Afton's sprite is going to be an NPC's, who don't have slots for the running shoes sprites. In the endgame you will be able to use the various sprites as skins but the running shoes will be disabled for all of them, except the Main Character.

We are happy to announce that after this update we will be working on the first few FNaF maps, which include:

  • The FNaF 1 pizzeria
  • The FNaF 2 pizzeria
  • The Back Room (from Give Gifts, Give Life)
  • The Back Room (from the FNaF 3 minigames)

Other things are also being worked on in the background, like the story, replacements for other parts of the game (sprites, tiles) and the Overworld Sprite Swap scripts. These will make it possible to play as different characters, depending on the map and other conditions. For example, you can play as Marionette in Give Gifts, Give Life but not in the FNaF 3 minigames; this script would change your looks in order to make you have the right sprite in the right map.

We cannot proceed to the Beta version until the first map, which will be the FNaF 1 location (for testing purposes) is done and the tilemaps (at least the ones that are relevant) are reworked. Please wait patiently until those features are done. We will be regularly reporting to this blog for updates so please stay tuned!


This version of the game is not transformative enough for us to feel at ease distributing it in full publically. That is why this version is merely a patch to the original game but not a .gba file. We will NOT distribute versions of the game that resemble the original game too much in gameplay in order to avoid copyright problems. All versions of the game until beta will only be available in .ups files. The final version will be available as a .gba and a .ups file.

In order to apply a patch, you must have a copy of the original game. This hack will only be available in version 1.0 of Pokemon Fire Red (US), as most hacking tools are unfit to work with version 1.1. If you have a physical copy of the game, extract the rom in order to have a safe backup before making any sort of changes. Then apply the patch.

The maps currently being worked on are not necessarily going to be included in the next patch. They will also not necessarily be accessible through normal means until the Beta verisons are released. However, you may notice differences in graphics during normal gameplay. This is expected, since we are actively working on changing the visual of the tilesets. That is not only for copyright reasons but also to give the team more freedom over the visual look of the game. The Pokemon Kanto region will not be accessible in the final version so the visual tiles will not break anything integral to the core experience.


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