Patch v0.04.7 Alpha - The Emerald Update!

Hello everyone! Welcome back!

We've been taking a break from Minigame Investigator, but now, a month after the last update, we have news!

As you may remember, we stopped working with Pokemon Fire Red, and started modding Pokemon Emerald instead. This means that, for you to be able to play it, you'll have to get yourself a copy of Pokemon Emerald. This makes it... THE EMERALD UPDATE!

Here's a list of things you can expect to see in this update:

  • Mile's Room is back, now with an animatronic viewing room, up the stairs on the upper left, which includes:
    • A door that leads to the FNaF 1 map
    •  An animatronic viewing room
      • It has the same animatronics we've had up until now:
        • Shadow Freddy
        • Freddy
        • Fredbear
        • Plush Fredbear
        • Ghost Child (not an animatronic, but still a character)
    • Doors labeled  as what they will lead to in future updates (sneak peak? wooo)
  •  We've made a few quality of life improvements:
    • There's now more space in the save files. This will allow us to store more data, if needed;
    • Text speed is set to Fast by default
    • The Overworld sprites are now dynamic again.If they were not, certain sprites wouldn't display the correct colours
    • There used to be a small delay in certain parts, due to VSync not being coded correctly; that is fixed now
  • There's also some unfinished work, but that will be used later:
    • A whole new set of dialogue for the introduction
    • Foxy's Overworld sprite

 In practice, you will not notice too much. However, we can assure you that this is one of the biggest updates we've had, especially since we had to port everything back into Pokemon Emerald. More updates are now going to be possible, and more interesting features will finally be an option.

Finally, we'd like to tell you about what we have been working on outside of this update.

We have been asking for permission to use certain music sheets from various people on, and we finally have permission to use the following arrangements:

  • Don't Go!, from FNaF 3's Good Ending, by Tim Juliano, and arranged by Mr. Shellduck
  • Four Bits to the Left, from FNaF 6's Fruity Maze, by Leon Riskin, and arranged by ZakuraMusic
  • Bonnie's Lullaby, from FNaF 3's Shadow Bonnie minigame, an adaptation of Serenade, by Schübert, and arranged by Madalynmusic
  • Crumbling Dreams, from FNaF: SL's Ballora Theme, by Leon Riskin, and arranged by Nathan DIJOUX
  • Turtle Crusher, from FNaF: SL's Baby minigame, by Leon Riskin, and arranged by Anklejbiter
  • My Grandfather's Clock, from FNaF 2's Marionette's music box, arranged by ZakuraMusic
  • The Forbidden Nocturne 2, from FNaF: SL's Custom Night, by Leon Riskin, and arranged by ZakuraMusic

Other than that, we have also been working on:

  • Pizzeria Tilesets (finally the pizzeria will look authentic)
  • FNaF 2's map
  • Shadow Freddy's AI
  • An expression system (we'll go more in depth in a later update)
  • A few storyboards for cutscenes (we're proud of a few ones, hopefully you will too)
  • The other animatronics' Overworld Sprites (can't have a band if they're not all in one place)

If you want to download this update, here's the link. (note: the original link was of an older version; we updated the link 5 minutes after sending it for the first time)

 If you think you can do better assets or have any questions, concerns or criticisms, please write a comment on this post or contact JK on Twitter to submit them! You can find JK's Twitter page here.

In any case, lots of big things await the future of Minigame Investigator! Until the next update, we'll be happy to gather feedback! Thank you for being awesome!



Emulating games is not illegal. Making the games available without the consent of the publisher, however, is. That is why we do not make the .gba file available. However, and since  it's been almost 17 years since Pokemon Emerald was released, it's pretty easy to get yourself a copy of it.

 This version of the game is not transformative enough for us to feel at ease distributing it in full publically. That is why this version is merely a patch to the original game but not a .gba file. We will NOT distribute versions of the game that resemble the original game too much in gameplay in order to avoid copyright problems. All versions of the game until beta will only be available in .ups files. The final version will be available as a .gba and a .ups file.

In order to apply a patch, you must have a copy of the original game. If you have a physical copy of the game, extract the rom in order to have a safe backup before making any sort of changes. Then apply the patch.

The maps currently being worked on are not necessarily going to be included in the next patch. They will also not necessarily be accessible through normal means until the Beta verisons are released. However, you may notice differences in graphics during normal gameplay. This is expected, since we are actively working on changing the visual of the tilesets. That is not only for copyright reasons but also to give the team more freedom over the visual look of the game. The Hoenn region will not be accessible in the final version so the visual tiles will not break anything integral to the core experience.


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