Minigame Investigtor is back in development!

 Good news, everyone! Minigame Investigator is back in development and the next update is rapidly approaching!

The last update we released was a bug fix to The Pizzeria Update, and on the last post we made a poll asking what content you'd like to see next: the Identity Update, or the Crazed Tycoon Update.

 Out of the 12 people that voted, the majority (8) wanted our Rom Hack to look different from Pokemon before we did anything else. The Identity Update will include, as we've said then, a new title screen, a revival of the old copyright screen from 0.01 ALPHA (remember that?), a new introductory speech, and the player's room.

 There was originally no intention of having new music published with that update. We know it just makes more sense to have everything in one package, instead of adding the music later, but what we have to develop for the next update is... frankly, a lot.

We're talking custom backgrounds, heavily modifying Birch's speech in the beginning, learning how to animate things that were probably never supposed to be animated, designing the main character twice (after another, now deleted poll on GameJolt, we decided to have the player choose between a male and a female player character), fixing whatever glitches come up, altering the flow of the title screen, making a completely new title screen from the ground up... We're gonna have fun with the changelog when we publish this, aye?

Anyway, we're back on making the game. With development in JK's other projects either stalled or finished, and with him testing positive for covid, we're back faster than ever! Expect the update (or at least an update to the update) in the next couple of weeks!

We've been working hard on the project, and we hope you are as excited as we are! The next update is finally going to reveal a part of the story (the prologue is relatively minute, but it is still important to have before we push beta), and we are hoping people will like it as well!

And with that, we are off! Good night, everyone! We'll update you shortly!

PS: Have a little teaser of what to expect! I've been posting this on the FReddit discord server for feedback, and now we've reached the final version of one of the backgrounds!


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